Working with the churches, Scripture Union aims to
a) make God’s Good News known to children, young people and families, and
b) encourage people of all ages to meet God daily through the Bible and prayer,
so that they may come to personal faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, grow in Christian Maturity and become both committed church members and servants of a world in need.
Working with the churches, Scripture Union aims to
a) make God’s Good News known to children, young people and families, and
b) encourage people of all ages to meet God daily through the Bible and prayer,
so that they may come to personal faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, grow in Christian Maturity and become both committed church members and servants of a world in need.
Scripture Union pursues these aims through a variety of
ministries around the world in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ in reliance
on the Holy Spirit.
of Belief
As the Scripture Union family throughout the world, we accept and
proclaim the
historic truths of the Christian faith, including the following: [Read More] …
As the Scripture Union family throughout the world, we accept and
We seek to exercise the ministries God has given us in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ and in reliance on the Holy Spirit. We therefore aim to follow Biblical principles in all that we do and to emphasize the vital importance of prayer.
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